29 apr. 2011

Hayes Carll - "She Left Me For Jesus"

Redneck gör parodi på redneck. Hysteriskt roligt, om du frågar mig.
Efter lite googlande skulle man nog kunna säga att detta skulle vara amerikansernas egna "Hönan Agda", eller något sådant. Alla har hört och alla skrattar, typ. (Och jag älskade kommentaren på youtube; "They just don't make jews like Jesus anymore."

She showed me a picture all I could do was stare
At that freak in his sandals with his long pretty hair
They must think that I'm stupid or I don't have a clue
I'll bet he's a commie or ever worse yet a jew

She left me for jesus and that just aint fair
She says that he's perfect how could I compare
She says I should find him and I'll know peace at last
If I ever find jesus I'm kickin his ass

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